Politics Television


Recently CBS aired a piece on peace options in the Israeli-Palestinian debacle. I thought the segment was fair and universally irritating, doing the job our press is supposed to do: tell the stories, based on reality, that make-up conflict, not make-up stories, based on a desired reality, to tell a conflict. J Street is telling me that they are getting slammed for doing their job. You can see clips of the show and sign a petition supporting CBS on their site. I altered the language of their form letter, and have pasted my version below, for others to use. The…

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Current Affairs Politics

Command the Good – Gaza

Haroon posted about a fundraiser at NYU a few days ago. Unfortunately, I was on the road. Give if you can. He says: We can look all over the world and find a lot of misery, a lot of suffering, a lot of deprivation; some of that is done in our name; some of that is done and defended in a language we really use to argue for the exact opposite. The most important thing is to focus on what can be done, pray very hard, work very hard; we should not be discouraged by the scale of the challenge…

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Current Affairs Inter-faith Politics Religion

Gaza Crisis [1/29]

This will most likely be my last major link round-up on the topic. There are individual threads of the cost of the crisis that I may develop, but with the current incursion over, the need for relatively quick, major round-ups has dissipated. One of the things I tried to communicate through my sourcing was that the conflict is not a religious issue. I consciously choose to limit the number of Muslim sources to indicate that there was opposition to Israel’s actions that was not based in a conception of a Cosmic War. I also wanted to highlight the number of…

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Wajahat Ali and the Doha Debates

While we were in Doha for the MLT Conference, we were able to attend a special session of the Doha Debates. The topic was “Motion: This House believes that political Islam is a threat to the West.” Wajahat Ali, of AltMuslim and Goat Milk, has done a nice write-up of the issues discussed. He was also gracious enough to make me sound intelligent. I have his permission to include his original questions, and my responses, below. 1) How would you personally define “political Islam” and “the West?” Do you think the debates adequately defined these two terms? The problem with…

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Mr. Moo Publishes a Manifesto

A mighty manifesto it is. Woe to those who disagree. Woe to those who agree. Woe to anyone. Woe is me. Woah is what you tell a horse. “Woh” is “that” in Hindi and Urdu. Whoah is an exclamation of surprise or pleasure. But I digress, and that is un-Islamic. So says the talking Manifesto. It is far better to regress. [Like the manifesto, this is humor.]

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Technological shift at the White House

WaPo does a piece on the technological transition happening at the White House. In addition to the usual transition headaches regarding phones, emails, etc., apparently the WH is not equipped, legally, to allow the Web 2.0 operation to continue. Be interesting to see how this plays out, especially if we are to get a new iPhone app (please). Favorite line: “The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software.” At least their Windows was state-of-the-art. (sorry couldn’t resist)

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Current Affairs Media

Geert Wilders and Free Speech

Aziz beat me to it. Geert Wilders was arrested for attacking Islam. Dumb idea. As Aziz says “the best answer to bad speech is more speech.” The best thing to happen now is that a group of Dutch Muslims comes forward to his defense. Islam is bigger than one person, whether OBL or Geert Wilders. It can take care of itself. It’s Muslims who need to care of ourselves, and that doesn’t mean supporting dumb ideas.

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Current Affairs Politics

Gaza Crisis [1/21]

A Christian reflection on Gaza. We have to remember, this is not a Jewish-Muslim issue. It’s an Israeli-Palestinian one, which means Christians are involved. Ted Swedenburg gives us some must reads, many of which have already appeared on islamicate. However, he throws in a cool kufiya pic. MJ Rosenberg on the uses of “anti-Semitism.” He can’t wait for an end to the lobby. On Bono and Kristol. Laila points me to Sandy Tolan on Obama and Gaza. I don’t know how to describe this. In Doha, Darya Shaykh of One Voice said you can focus on the horror or you…

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