Current Affairs

Rikers: An American Jail

There is a new film on Rikers, called Rikers: An American Jail, and I’m quoted in the interfaith discussion guide. As a Muslim, when I hear about prison, I think to the Story of Joseph, told in Chapter 12 of the Qur’an: are we punishing difference, rather than actions, and putting the innocent in jail? Do we seek to turn people to repentance, or are we fulfilling our needs for revenge? One of the clear commandments in the Qur’an is to maintain the balance of justice, and to not give into our own desires and call it justice (55:9, 4:135).…

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Current Affairs Media Media Appearances Politics Religion

Muslims are already denouncing terrorism, why aren’t we hearing them? | America Magazine

Muslims are already denouncing terrorism, why aren’t we hearing them? | America Magazine. Dr. Hussein Rashid, a Muslim American who teaches religious studies and consults on religious literacy, has also experienced a form of selective inattention even when the message is constructive. After the bombing attempt in Times Square in 2010, Dr. Rashid—who was born and raised in New York—and two Muslim colleagues were on every major network and cable TV outlet all day condemning the action. That night he gave a talk to 200 people and asked how many had seen the coverage. “Of the 190 people who claimed…

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Current Affairs Inter-faith Intra-faith

A Busy Church Month

In January 2016, I was blessed to be invited to share the pulpit at two Collegiate churches in New York City. The first was Marble Collegiate Church, as part of their annual Trialogue amongst the Abrahamic traditions. January 10, 2016 Three Faiths, One Family from Marble Collegiate Church on Vimeo. Hosted by Dr. Michael B. Brown Rabbi Ayelet Cohen, Rev. Robert Chase and Dr. Hussein Rashid On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I was hosted by Middle Collegiate Church, where I spoke about Islamophobia and #BlackLivesMatter “Body Politics” :: Jan 17 @middlechurch from Middle Collegiate Church on Vimeo. “Body Politics”…

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Current Affairs – Dr. Hussein Rashid (More than a Military Response Required to Beat ISIS) – Dr. Hussein Rashid (More than a Military Response Required to Beat ISIS). As ISIS appears to be gaining ground in Iraq, there seems to be a lack of a grand strategy coming out of the White House. The low hum of drone warfare, as opposed to coordinated decisive victories like in Irbil, creates a greater potential for feeding ISIS' propaganda machine. The United States must think more comprehensively than a military intervention. Syndicated at: Hussein Rashid: More than a military response required to beat ISIS Dr. Hussein Rashid: Suggestions on how to beat ISIS Dr. Hussein Rashid: More…

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Current Affairs

State of Formation – Every Land is #Ferguson

State of Formation – Every Land is #Ferguson. There is a power in raising our hands for Ferguson. We do not raise our hands like the Illuminati or a Rockefella [sicknowledge]; we do not raise our hands to act out an NWA lyric; we do not even raise our hands in an “Allah Akbar.” Instead, we raise our hands in surrender. Our submission is to the police. The power in raising our hands is with the police. It’s not an act of agency, but a recognition of the value(lessness) of brown and black bodies. This submission to authoritarianism should concern…

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Current Affairs

Pol: NYPD Muslim Surveillance is ‘Un-American’ | Long Island Press

Pol: NYPD Muslim Surveillance is ‘Un-American’ | Long Island Press. The sweeping surveillance of local Muslims is un-American, unconstitutional and spawns an atmosphere of mistrust, undermining the efforts of law enforcement conducting clandestine investigations of Muslim Americans in the New York metropolitan area.  These criticisms of the New York Police Department’s surveillance of Muslim Americans from New York City to Long Island were made by New York State Sen. Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn) and Dr. Hussein Rashid, a professor of religion at Hofstra University during the college’s 11th annual “Day of Dialogue” event Wednesday.

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Charity Current Affairs

Rebuild the Philippines #GivingTuesday @miimdesigns

For several years we have suffered global catastrophes that have cost thousands of lives and untold years of future hardship. Most recent is Typhoon Haiyan, which destroyed parts of the Philippines at a cost of over 5000 lives. It is easy, and necessary, to give money to help people after a tragedy like this, but it is also easy for donor fatigue to develop. There are already reports that most Americans are unaware of the tragedy. More importantly, even after the initial rush of aid, what happens to the people and physical ruins of their lives is something we do…

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Current Affairs

I’d Rather Go Back to Yemen than Face NYPD | Religion Dispatches

I’d Rather Go Back to Yemen than Face NYPD | Religion Dispatches. A coalition of civil rights organizations just released “Mapping Muslims: NYPD Spying and its Impact on American Muslims” which pulls together what we know of the NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities throughout the Northeast, places the surveillance in a legal context, and more importantly, interviews Muslims to understand the real world impact of the surveillance.

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Current Affairs

Storify: Muslims4Marriage

This is a Storify I'm using for class, but it seems like an interesting conversation that I wish I had shared at the time.   [View the story "Reli77: Muslim4Marriage" on Storify] Reli77: Muslim4Marriage Storified by Hussein Rashid · Wed, Sep 05 2012 04:39:59 I'm not alone; there are lots of #Muslims who support #LGBTQ #MarriageEquality. RT w/ #Muslims4Marriage.Fatemeh Fakhraie the trends nationally of all religious communities are growing towards LGBT equality, check w/PRRI @islamoyankee @fatemehf @azizhp @markosJoseph Ward III @peoplegogy That is powerful stuff. Without the repealing of miscegenation laws, I wouldn't exist!! Equal rights for all! :DFatemeh Fakhraie…

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Current Affairs

The Dolphin and the Monkey and NYPD’s Disappointing Tactics

We need to hold the NYPD accountable for their misdeeds. Sarah’s piece is spot on. Sarah Sayeed, Ph.D.: The Dolphin and the Monkey and NYPD’s Disappointing Tactics. Aesop’s story might be a good one to teach at New York Police Department trainings, instead of infecting unsuspecting officers with a pernicious fear of Islam and Muslims. The active participation of Police Commissioner Kelly and his Public Affairs Officer Paul Browne in the creation and promotion of an anti-Muslim film has led Muslim New Yorkers to deep disappointment, skepticism and mistrust. They are now calling for the two to resign.

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