Media Appearances Religion

New York City’s religious diversity bucks stereotypes

“You can’t go more than a block without finding a house of worship in New York City, an actively used house of worship,” said Hussein Rashid, a scholar of religion with The New School and Union Theological Seminary. While accurate and up-to-date data on the state of religious identity in the five boroughs is hard to find, Rashid and other scholars say the city is as spiritually diverse as it’s ever been, even as religious affiliation is declining here in step with the rest of the country. Source: New York City’s religious diversity bucks stereotypes

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Events Religion

Exploring Omar Discussion Series | Spoleto Festival USA 2020

Exploring Omar Discussion Series | Spoleto Festival USA 2020. Omar Ibn Said definitively arrived on the shores of Charleston as a Muslim. And while we know he was a forced member of a Christian family and belonged to a Presbyterian church at the time of his death, can we say for sure he departed this life as a Christian? This conversation examines the latter end of Ibn Said’s life and discusses how religion has, throughout U.S. history, drawn people to resist or remain resilient in the context of social justice. Hussein Rashid, a professor at The New School in New…

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Events Politics Religion Video

“Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class” on Vimeo

“Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class” on Vimeo. AVACGIS Guest Lecture Series with Hussein Rashid, on “Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class”, moderated by Jennifer Victor (George Mason University) | November 10, 2020: "Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class" from Ali Vural Ak Center for Global I on Vimeo. AVACGIS Guest Lecture Series with Hussein Rashid, on "Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class", moderated by Jennifer Victor (George Mason University) | November 10, 2020: If you would like to be informed about the Center programs, please subscribe to the AVACGIS mailing list at the…

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Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

Tweeting the Qur’an #Quran #Ramadan #ttQuran 2020/1441

Traditionally, Muslims read the Qur'an in its entirety during Ramadan, in a section a day. The Qur'an is split into thirty sections, called juz', and one section is read each night.  This year is the 12th year I am inviting people to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. I will be tweeting @islamoyankee. Starting in 2019, I expanded the invite and encourage people share commentaries and art work. I am excited by the commentaries offered over at Sapelo Square, and I encourage you to check them out for yourselves. I'll also be tweeting commentaries from the Prophet's beloved family. In addition, you…

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Inter-faith Intra-faith Literature Media Religion

Faith in Fantasy on Imaginary Worlds Podcast

I am a longtime fan of the Imaginary Worlds podcast, and was ecstatic was I was asked to participate in roundtable on the role of faith in imaginary worlds. I was joined by friend of many years, the Velveteen Rabbi, Rachel Barenblat, who did a wonderful write-up of her experience here. The episode description is: Science fiction has not always been compatible with religion — in fact many futuristic settings imagine no religion at all. But sci-fi and fantasy have long fascinated people of different faiths because the genres wrestle with the big questions of life. You can listen to episode…

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Religion As Critique | Reading Religion

Religion As Critique | Reading Religion. Irfan Ahmad’s text, Religion as Critique, is an ambitious work that seeks to open a new approach to the understanding of Muslims: an anthropology of philosophy. As a result, his book covers a vast amount of material. The text reads like two separate endeavors—a historical, methodological study, and the author’s original work. Since the author recognizes this structure and guides the reader to be aware of it, the book does hold together fairly well. At the same time, as a reviewer, it makes more sense to treat the two parts as divisible, since they each…

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Tweeting the Qur’an #Quran #ttQuran #Ramadan 2018/1439

Traditionally, Muslims read the Qur'an in its entirety over this time, in a section a day. The Qur'an is split into thirty sections, called juz', and one section is read each night.  This year is the 10th year I am inviting people to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. I will be tweeting @islamoyankee. To see how the call has (not) evolved, here are the six call outs: 2009 Windsor Star Article 2010 (despite the title, which says 2011) 2011 USA Today Article 2012 2013 Storify (including press stories) 2014 A piece I did on Immanent Frame   The Background [from the…

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Conferences Events Literature Media Religion

Panel: Islam and Comics, Boston, Oct. 21

Comics and Islam 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Saturday, October 21, 2017 Muslim identity and practices are featured more comics than ever, from mainstream titles like Ms. Marvelto independent graphic memoirs. This panel takes stock of this important growing field — including the brand-new book Muslim Superheroes: Comics, Islam, and Representation — and presents the perspectives of both academics and creators.   Hussein Rashid – Religion Professor, Barnard College; Contributor, Muslim SuperheroesA. David Lewis – Faculty Associate, MCPHS; Co-Editor, Muslim SuperheroesSara Alfageeh – Illustrator, Co-Director, BOY/BYE series MIPSTERZ project

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