
‘Ms. Marvel’: More options for who gets to save the world – CSMonitor.com

‘Ms. Marvel’: More options for who gets to save the world – CSMonitor.com. “This is the power of story,” says Dr. Rashid. “It’s not lecturing at you. It’s saying, ‘Here’s this character’s experience. We’re inviting you to that experience and inviting you to think and reflect on your own experiences.’ And that’s the work of great art.”

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Tweeting the Qur’an #Quran #ttQuran #Ramadan 2019/1440

Traditionally, Muslims read the Qur'an in its entirety over this time, in a section a day. The Qur'an is split into thirty sections, called juz', and one section is read each night.  This year is the 11th year I am inviting people to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. I will be tweeting @islamoyankee. Starting in 2019, I'd like to expand the invite and encourage people share commentaries and art work. I am excited by the commentaries offered over at Sapelo Square, and I encourage you to check them out for yourselves. I'll also be tweeting commentaries from the Prophet's beloved family.…

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Speaking Event: “American Muslims: 500 Years of History” – Princeton Public Library

Spotlight on the Humanities: Hussein Rashid on “American Muslims: 500 Years of History” – Princeton Public Library. In 2016, America mourned the passing of one of its heroes, boxing champion Muhammad Ali. His funeral service gave public light to the long history of Muslims in America, and the deep impact Muslims have on popular culture. This talk takes on an exploration of that history, focusing on literature, and the contemporary political environment. Community Room

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Tweeting the Qur’an #Quran #ttQuran #Ramadan 2016/1437

Traditionally, Muslims read the Qur'an in its entirety over this time, in a section a day. The Qur'an is split into thirty sections, called juz', and one section is read each night.  This year is the 8th year I am inviting people to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. I will be tweeting @islamoyankee. To see how the call has (not) evolved, here are the six call outs: 2009 Windsor Star Article 2010 (despite the title, which says 2011) 2011 USA Today Article 2012 2013 Storify (including press stories) 2014 A piece I did on Immanent Frame   The Background [from the…

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#LoveRally on April 10, 2016

I’ll be speaking at a rally to counter the hate emerging out of this year’s Presidential Election Cycle. Please join if you can on Sunday, April 30, 2016 at 2PM in New York City, by New York University. The official letter about the program is here. Dear Friends: As the co-founder of the Project for the Advancement of Our Common Humanity (PACH; pach.org), I am writing to let you know that PACH and 20 other NYC organizations are having a love rally in Washington Square Park on April 10th from 2-4. Please join us! We have over 35 world leaders,…

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Wall Street Journal Coverage of America to Zanzibar

Here is a Wall Street Journal article on the exhibit America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far, at The Children’s Museum of Manhattan, for which I was the lead academic advisor. Alas, the piece is behind a paywall. The show is the fourth in the Upper West Side museum's Global Cultural Exhibition Series, intended — as the name suggests — to create global citizens. And I can attest, from both observation and ancient personal experience, that the best way to broaden horizons isn't by lecturing kids about being better people but by letting them climb into, over and through things.…

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