Current Affairs

And God Spake

Apparently I could not pray to have the Chowda-heads lose to the Blessed Yankees and pray to have a Chowda-head in the White House. So I’ve decided not pray against the Chowda-heads in the World Series, because I honestly don’t care (except I don’t know what Boston would do without the curse).

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Reclaiming our tradition

It would be nice if when we did things for our faith that made sense, we were seen as reclaiming the inclusive and intellectual aspects of our traditions rather than trying to reform them. So many groups that live and die by a narrow interpretation of Islam use the past to justify their actions. It’s heartwarming to see the past being invoked for good things as well. Here’s an article about a group that I believe is doing just that in Canada. As a side question – if forced to live in under a fundamentalist regime, would you rather it…

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Current Affairs

And God Spake

Apparently I could not pray to have the Chowda-heads lose to the Blessed Yankees and pray to have a Chowda-head in the White House. So I’ve decided not pray against the Chowda-heads in the World Series, because I honestly don’t care (except I don’t know what Boston would do without the curse).

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Current Affairs Shi'ism

The system at work

On the surface, this is an important development, because if every Ayatollah now denounces the attacks on US and UK troops, it theoretically becomes easier to isolate those Shi’ah, and to a certain extent Sunnis, who do carry out attacks. I’m hopeful that the attacks in Sadr city will settle down, and more importantly that the city itself will be less likely to serve as a launching ground for others in Iraq.

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