This post reminds me why I try really hard not to cuss. When you devalue words, somebody has to come up with something shocking to replace those words that are lost. I didn’t think anybody would come up with wholesale slaughter as a result.
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Flight 297
Unfortunately, it’s not a sequel to the great track Flight IC 408 by State of Bengal. It’s a horrid fantasy by a testosterone challenged man who wants everyone to think he has no fear. What his adolescent daydream reveals is quite the opposite: he is a coward who wants to be a hero. To quote Atrios: “The stupid, it burns.”
Many liberal bloggers I’ve been reading today have been talking about Martin Luther King Jr.’s anti-Vietnam War speech. While topical, I still think his “I have a dream” speech is the ideal we should be striving for. Everything else will follow from that. “Let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring — when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children — black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics…
Is it the same?
A soldier who deserted from the US Army in Iraq because he found the war morally objectionable – partly because of the treatment of prisoners – faces the same punishment as those who abused the prisoners at Abu Ghuraib. I turn to those more knowledgeable: Can he plead that he deserted because the orders were illegal?