PATRIOT Act refused. A truly patriotic act.
According to the American Street, there’s a library out in Washington that’s standing up to the Patriot Act. Drop them a line and say “thanks,” and if you’re capable, drop them a couple of bucks as well.
islam doesn't speak, muslims do | "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr" – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
According to the American Street, there’s a library out in Washington that’s standing up to the Patriot Act. Drop them a line and say “thanks,” and if you’re capable, drop them a couple of bucks as well.
Essentially, OBL is alive and kicking, and we get the tape just before election day. Does that support the idea the OBL wants Kerry to win, or that Bush failed in trying to capture him?
The New England Patriots are undefeated, the Red Sox just completed one of the most memorable comebacks in baseball history and are champions, and just today, Slate has put Kerry ahead of Bush in the Electoral College leading into Tuesday’s election. For the first time in months, I am optimistic. I have hope. I know there is ambivalence about Kerry, but I like the man. He has convinced me over the course of the past few months that he is a good man, he is thoughtful, and will act with great care and consideration before pursuing a course of action…
Some of you may have seen Nicholas Kristof’s piece on Mukhtaran Bibi. You may not have caught his addendum and how to help support her.
It seems that the number excludes Fallujah, and the count may actually be closer to 200,000 if Fallujah is included…. Iraq Body Count all of a sudden looks like a conservative website telling us how wonderful things are in Iraq.
Jeff Sharlet over at The Revealer has been doing a series (1, 2, 3)of comments on LGF (if you know, you know why I’m not linking…. Jeff’s latest post really does highlight why this is a major story, and it needs to get picked up after the election cycle.
I think it’s great that some people think they can have a beer with Bush or his cabinet…. But to be honest, I don’t want any of my current friends as POTUS (sorry guys and gals).
To be honest, as an educator, my beliefs, religious and political, do influence the way I present material and look at the world…. I don’t agree at all with what these faculty members are doing, but the response is so disproportionate and hypocritical that I had to point it out to people.
I was recently called to task, and rightly so, for not being specific about failed DOJ cases, and few come to mind: Yaser Hamdi (I seem to recall that a US citizen cannot be coerced by the gov’t into giving up his citizenship, and it strikes me that’s what happened here…. Detroit Sleeper Cell Brandon Mayfield (2, 3) James Yee (2) (Yes, I know this isn’t a DOJ case, but I’m working to establish a larger pattern in the gov’t in general) Terrorism Cases That Weren’t (but it doesn’t mean they weren’t guilty of something) Lackawanna Six (2, 3) Portland Seven José Padilla’s case is still pending, but I don’t know how much traction the gov’t will get with him.