
Walt Disney Said That?

One of my secret passions is Apple Computer. I love the elegance and ease of use, and I read Mac news sites on a regular basis. I ran across this article on Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, and it had the following great quote from Walt Disney: Before his death in 1966, Disney said, “I don’t believe there is a challenge anywhere in the world that is more important to people everywhere than finding the solution to the problems of our cities. But where do we begin? Well, we’re convinced we must start with the public need. And the…

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Porn and Chicken

OK, the news has broken. The Muslim chaplain at Guantanamo accused of espionage has apparently been charged with adultery and downloading pornography. Not quite espionage. I think TPM has it right in his analysis: it might be that all the information against him cannot be released, but would you then see him back on active duty? The Boston Globe discusses how the charge against Yee, the chaplain in question, might be the result of hysteria. I think they might be on to something. I could go on about how this really is a quest for the Justice Department, who now…

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Following the Bread Crumbs

While visiting unmedia, I saw a link on deconstructing Daniel Pipes’ latest peace writings. This particular rambling was on identifying oneself as a moderate Muslim. From unmedia, I got to Zack’s detailed criticism of Pipes, and I don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Zack in-turn lead me to a beliefnet quiz on what type of Muslim I am. Good fun. I came in as a “spiritual seeker,” but I found so many of the questions hard to answer because they pre-supposed a particular understanding of Islam, which is not mine. I’m still working on that Shi’ism post.

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Current Affairs

Shi’ism and Modern Politics

This post is not the one on Shi’ism I promised below, but it is still related to Shi’ism. Roy Mottahedeh has a great piece on the nature of the Shi’ah groups in Iraq. Juan Cole has a short summary of the relationship amongst Shi’ah groups in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran. Both men are incredibly knowledgeable and extremely lucid writers. While both are predominantly political, they do give a surprisingly good idea of the religious landscape as well.

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Muslim WakeUp! has an interesting article on East Turkestan. I thoroughly enjoyed the article, and had a few thoughts that I posted in the comments, and which I am including here in the entirety. I’m doing this re-publication because I need it to set-up a post I’m working on regarding Shi’ism. A very well researched piece, thank you for sharing. I have two comments on it that I’d like to share. You mention that racial divisions in Islam did not really exist until the colonial period, and I’m not sure that is as true as you indicate. In S. H.…

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Fresh Meat

Been following an interesting ‘blog run by Aziz Poonawalla that Ghost Dog pointed out to me. First, congratulations to the good doctor on the successful oral defense of his dissertation. I don’t know the topic, but based on the ‘blog, I’m probably going to enjoy reading it. Second, time to comment on his ‘blog. He’s using the Blogger system, so I’m not sure how to give him the equivalent of a trackback, so hopefully he’ll forgive me.

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Giving Virtual Thanks

In light of the coming day of thanksgiving, we wanted to take a second to recognize a few of people of the virtual ummah who have supported us so far. Again, we have to thank the folks at Muslim WakeUp! who were the first to welcome us and who have been consistent commentors and visitors to the site (yes, Jawad, we mean you.) We’ve been negligient in our activities on their site, and hope to address that situation soon. They’ve also brought a wonderful site to our attention, Al-Musawwir. Further proof that there is a difference between Moslems and Klingons.…

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Last Night I Cried

Last night was Laylat ul-Qadr, the night of power, the night Qur’anic revelation began. “Read in the name of your Lord Who created you from a clot of blood God the most bountiful who taught you by the pen taught what you did not know.” Read is the first command. During a dhikr tasbih last night, I was terribly moved. Group prayer is such a wonderful experience and the loud recitation, late at night, is a good way to feel the presence of the Divine. It was a lovely and indescribable. Just wanted to share. Back to the first command.…

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