Read this short blurb on Gadflyer about an article on Slate. We apparently had multiple opportunities to take out Zarqawi and didn’t. He had an opportunity to kill an American, and he did. He was also going to release biological weapons in London, which we weren’t going to stop. Fortunately, the London police did.
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I am not of the disappeared
Disappeared in America. Since the reporters aren’t getting on this, I’m glad the artists are. I suppose the cynic in me wants to know for how much longer before they too are silenced. Link via Sister Scorpion.
Enlightened Moderation…..
This is in today’s BBC. I wonder how much of this is speaking to a Western audience vs what they have really taught. Intersting that they only mention the martial component and not the spirtual component of Jihad. But it is good to see it any way:Pakistan clerics explain ‘jihad’Pakistan’s top Muslim clerics have said it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to preach the real concept of jihad, or holy war, to young Muslims."The situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine is radicalising young people," says Mufti Rafi Usmani, one of Pakistan’s highest-ranking clerics. "And an angry young man is…
The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World [ISIM] conducts and promotes interdisciplinary research on social, political, cultural, and intellectual trends and movements in contemporary Muslim societies and communities. The ISIM was inaugurated in 1998 and is based in Leiden, The Netherlands. ISIM has just published its June 2004 Newsletter 14 in print format and online. As usual, it is full of interesting articles, commentary, and reviews. Issue 14 includes: [download newsletter 14, 1.9MB] Martyrdom * A Culture of Righteousness and Martyrdom / Elliot Colla * Suicide Attacks: Life as a Weapon / Riaz Hassan * Martyrdom and…