Current Affairs

Is it the same?

A soldier who deserted from the US Army in Iraq because he found the war morally objectionable – partly because of the treatment of prisoners – faces the same punishment as those who abused the prisoners at Abu Ghuraib. I turn to those more knowledgeable: Can he plead that he deserted because the orders were illegal?

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Current Affairs Religion


(Note: I’ve only recently become aware of what’s going in Sudan because of The Head Heeb. Read some of his background pieces (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), and continue to read him for the latest news. I want to throw in my two cents now, but don’t have the resources to give it the coverage it deserves on a regular basis.) Sudan is known as a failed state – the type that gives a base of operations to terrorist organizations; Sudan was in fact home, briefly, to Osama bin Laden, and was bombed in 1998 by the US for allegedly…

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Current Affairs

We let Zarqawi do it?

Read this short blurb on Gadflyer about an article on Slate. We apparently had multiple opportunities to take out Zarqawi and didn’t. He had an opportunity to kill an American, and he did. He was also going to release biological weapons in London, which we weren’t going to stop. Fortunately, the London police did.

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