Religion Weblogs

Walk this way

Velveteen Rabbi has a post on her understanding of the practice of her faith. The paragraph that most caught my eye was: The phrase “observant Jew” generally means a person who observes the laws and rituals of Jewish tradition according to a standard set of interpretations. Lately, though, I’ve been wanting to use the words differently. I want to be an observant Jew–someone whose eyes are open. I want to interact with my tradition with clear vision. I want to really see Judaism, from the inside, and find joy and meaning there. I too often get the question, “are you…

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From today’s Thomas Friedman op-ed: What is going on in Iraq today is not only a war between radical Islam and America, it is, more importantly, a war within Islam — between those who want an Islam with a human and progressive face that can meld with the world and those who want an Islam that is exclusivist and hostile to the world. So, yes, we need all the Arab and Muslim support we can get to see Iraq through to some decent outcome. But the Arab-Muslim world needs a decent outcome in Iraq just as much — if not…

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I hope this isn’t true [updated]

The following article talks about the disproportionate response to Iraqi aggression by US troops. As a tactic it is debatable, but is also a strategic decision. However, the British troops seem to suggest that the response is not based on strategy but on racism. I hope it’s not true. It does beg the question though, in the first Gulf War much ado was made of the precision guidance systems on our missile systems. Has our technology regressed in the interim? Or have we made the decision that these systems are too expensive to be used in limited casualties? Link via…

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