The Boston Globe has a good op-ed on some of the political dissimulation going on by both parties.
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American Muslim Students React to Osama bin Laden’s Death
ABC News on Campus reporter Reshma Kirpalani blogs: via Hussein Rashid, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, recognizes this sentiment of bin Laden as a larger than life threat among Muslim-American youth — similar to his generation’s experience during the Cold War. “We’re now getting a group of young adults whose first conscious memory was formed by Osama bin Laden. Their biggest enemy has always been Al Qaeda and bin Laden,” Rashid said.
IIA Notes
Unfortunately, I was quite involved in running around during the Islam in America Conference, so I was unable to get good notes. I’m hoping Sam I Am (here at islamicate) and HijabMan will cover the difference. It was great finally meeting Mr. Hijab himself, and he’s agreed to give us the occasional post as well. A nagging question I have though is since I’ve seen his face, does that mean we have to get married now? 😉 I do have some thoughts on the presentations will be posting them slowly during the week.
ABC Primetime – How Muslims Are Treated in the US
Video: abc Primetime – How Muslims Are Treated In USA h/t Majdal