I found the perfect solution for the holidays. Enjoy . . .
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PFBC – Muslim Worship
Introduction to adhān (call to prayer) and the Fatihah (The Opening; first surah/chapter of the Qur’an, used to begin prayers and activities). Zikr/dhikr explained. Remembrance of God. Phrases we used below: Bismillah ir-Raḥmān ir-Raḥīm – In the name of God the most Compassionate, the most Merciful lā illāh ilā allāh – there is not deity but God shukrun līllah wa al-ḥamdulīllāh – all thanks and praise are due to God yā raḥmān yā raḥīm – O Compassionate; O Merciful Walked through one cycle of prayer in English to demonstrate positions and structure. CDs used: Ocean of Remembrance (The CD is…
Just a reminder that our guest blogger has her event this weekend, so please contribute if you can.
If all the trees of the earth were pens And the oceans ink, With many more oceans fro replenishing them, The words of God could never be written. Truly he is all-mighty and all-wise. (31:27) read in the name of your lord who created created man from an embryo read for your lord is most generous who taught by the pen taught man what he did not know. (96:1-5)