
Literal Truths

I was recently reading this article from the Boston Globe about the historicity of the New Testament, and it got me thinking, not so much about the historicity of the Qur’an, but about literal reading. Two verses of the Qur’an come to mind: We sent not an apostle except (to teach) in the language of his (own) people, in order to make (things) clear to them. Now God leaves straying those whom He pleases and guides whom He pleases: and He is Exalted in power, full of Wisdom. (14:4) He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book:…

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Remember and Support our Troops this Holiday

Regardless of your view on the Iraq war, you cannot deny the bravery and sacrifice of our troops over there. Below are some links to allow you to help them out in their needs. Please be generous. May God reward all your acts of generosity, give the troops and their families support and comfort, and bring peace to the world. Any Soldier – send a care package Operation Hero Miles – donate your frequent flyer miles to help re-join families Michael Moore – he keeps a list of various organizations that help our troops, their families, and children in Iraq…

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Eid ul-Isa Mubarak

December 25 marks the day we commonly celebrate the birth of Prophet Isa (a.s.), known in English as Jesus. It’s a wonderful occasion to spend time with family, and to think about the commonalities amongst all the Abrahamic faiths. I have to theological objection to celebrating the birth of a prophet of Islam, after all I celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Ali (a.s.). However, since we don’t recognize Jesus as the Christ, I felt we as Muslims needed to recognize both our commonalities and differences with other faiths, hence Eid ul-Isa. If you like it, please…

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Current Affairs


Now what? We got Saddam, what’s next? Do we put him on trial? All of sudden his connections with Rumsfeld and Cheney get highlighted. Of course everything is in the public domain, just most news outlets have no interest in negative reporting on their associates. [Yes I do believe the fourth estate is dying.] But you can’t keep such a high-profile character in hiding forever. You could try him in Iraq, instead of in an international court designed to deal with international criminals, to make it sound as though there is a functioning judiciary in the country and to emphasize…

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Current Affairs

Muslims Think Mosques are Wrestling Rings!

Today a group of confirmed Muslims attacked another Muslim in a mosque today. Now I understand that there are politics and frustrations involved, but using the mosque as a place of violence can’t be a good thing. Historically it’s where Imam Ali was assassinated, and where Baruch Goldstein committed his atrocity. Have we really sunk to a level that we consider it acceptable to kill and pray in the same place? Isn’t that the worst stereotypes of Muslims made flesh? I know the Minister wasn’t killed, but I’m not sure that wasn’t the ultimate goal. In any event, in a…

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We caught Saddam! In absolute terms, this a good thing. It doesn’t matter how it gets spun, or whether it was worth going to war for. We caught him. No matter how you cut it, Saddam is a bad man, dare I say evil? He needed to be brought to justice over 20 years ago, but better late than never. I’m an American, and proud to be one. Part of that pride is the belief that the US is a nation of laws, of principle and of hope. We’ve caught Saddam alive, which means not myth, no legend, no symbol,…

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Current Affairs

Tripartite Tractae

A friend and mentor pointed out this article from the International Herald Tribune on splitting up Iraq. I thought with the recent capture of Saddam, now might be a good time to talk about the implications of our long-term strategy in Iraq. Broadly speaking we either keep the country whole, or we divide it. If we keep it whole, we have a few different approaches to keeping it together: Impose our rule, like the IGC; let loose a real representative democracy, putting the Shi’ah in charge; set-up a power sharing scheme, like Lebanon; some confederation of autonomous regions.

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Current Affairs


Commentary coming. In the meantime, please distribute widely, and feel free to re-post on your own sites. [Disclaimer: We are not part of the Task Force. However, I believe the issue is important enough to get out the word.] ACTION ALERT: Title VI Funding Renewal Poses Dangers to Academic Inquiry, Integrity and Security Dear Fellow American Citizen: We are writing to alert you to proposed legislation, HR 3077, which poses a potential threat to academic freedom. Professor Rashid Khalidi has noted that this legislation creates “an ideological litmus test for academics” which could limit freedom of expression in the classroom…

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