Graphic Novel on Cairo – also Event

I recently read a new graphic novel called Cairo. I’ve professed my interest and love of comics previously, so I was really looking forward to this read. I am in love with the art work, it really stole the show. I wish there was more of Cairo the city in there. I felt both the story and the art made the city unremarkable. For a story about Cairo, I wish the city were more of a character. The story itself was engaging, but there were too many subplots, and I’m not sure why Rumi was chosen as a poet to represent Cairo. He was Persian and lived several hundred years after Cairo’s hey day. I would think Al-Mu’ayyad, Nasir Khusraw, or Umr al-Farid would have been better picks. However, these are the criticisms of a scholar. As a general reader, I found the book to touch on a lot of points that were food for thought, but at the end of the day, I couldn’t be invested in anyone. I do suggest reading it, as it was fun, but it’s not high on my list like Persepolis or Maus.

In a related note, Haroon is announcing an event centered around the graphic novel. Check out his post for more details.