The good folks over at Faith in Public Life are getting hammered for expressing their faith. Sad state of affairs. Read their story and help them out.
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A Muslim teacher in a public school in Ohio kept a Qur’an on his desk and refused to remove it after repeated requests. As a form of discipline he branded a student with a star and crescent moon. I can’t believe that this isn’t generating more outrage. It’s a clear violation of church and state separation, he’s sounds unbalanced, and it’s clearly the result of a faith that demands a public declaration of itself and imposition on others. Oh, wait, sorry, it was a Christian, with a Bible, and he branded a cross. Nothing to see here. Perfectly normal and…
Out of Context
One of the things that happens after a terrorist bombing committed by those who claim to be Muslim is that Islamophobes start quoting the Qur’an out of context saying that Islam is a violent religion dedicated to taking over the world and enslaving everyone else (yes, it is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion revisited). I’m waiting for the day when some Islamophobe says the proof that Islam is Judeophobic is that Muslims revere a prophet named Isa who entered a synagogue and flipped over tables and drove people out claiming that they were practicing a false religion. It…