More on Saudi gender Oxymorons
Emphasis on morons. Ali Eteraz has a good piece the fits in well with the questions I asked earlier on veiling and women in Saudi Arabia. Technorati Tags: Saudi Arabia, veil, women in Islam
islam doesn't speak, muslims do | "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr" – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Emphasis on morons. Ali Eteraz has a good piece the fits in well with the questions I asked earlier on veiling and women in Saudi Arabia. Technorati Tags: Saudi Arabia, veil, women in Islam
So Muslim sends a link to a Jew about an article written by a (presumable) Hindu. I thought it was funny for some reason. If you’re geeky, it’s a good read too. Technorati Tags: bad humor, information
I need to spend more time with this article. Posted as an FYI. Technorati Tags: Ziauddin Sardar
I’m actually an islamoyankee (a Muslim American, of the Northeast, blue-neck, sushi-eating variety). The name actually comes from a description of the two things the French fear the most – Muslims and Americans. I’ve repurposed it. However, it seems Muslims are no longer islamofascists. We are now islamonazis and islamocancers. Michael Savage can rest easy that I actually agree with him. Every time I see a white man in a hood, I think Klansmen. Every time I hear his voice, I think idiot. We should be allowed to profile based on appearance and our opinion. Oh, wait, my opinion is…
Read this story. Man tries to bury is two-day old granddaughter. What does this have to do with AQ? Man is probably Muslim (Abdul Rahman), but goes directly against Qur’anic commandments. Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin. (17:31) as he hides him from the people because of the evil of the good tidings that have been given unto him, whether he shall preserve it in humiliation, or trample it; into the dust. Ah, evil is that they judge!…
As TPM notes, it seems like the London bombings were based on ideas developed in Iraq. As we’ve seen, it doesn’t match up exactly because the devices were crude with little chance of causing mass casualties had they gone off, thankfully they didn’t. Here’s my question, why did Afghanistan stay local? Why did the mujahidin stay in Afghanistan and not export themselves to the Soviet Union? Or, to put it another way, why is Iraq flowing past its borders? Is this simply Al-Qaeda ideology? Strike at the infidel? It just seems so ineffective if you want freedom for you Muslim…
As many of you have now heard, there were attempted bombings in London and Glasgow Airport. BBC round-up. In case we needed further proof that terrorists are idiots, these guys are doctors who apparently don’t know basic chemistry or physics, so the whole thing failed, thankfully. What have learned from this experience: Doctors are not necessarily smart people. Terrorists are stupid. Doctors who are terrorists are definitely not smart people. For brown children everywhere who are pressured into being doctors, you can now tell your parents with a straight face, doctors are stupid and people fear them. No prestige, no…