Politics Religion Web/Tech

Muslims don’t hate Macs

Via Jason O’Grady, I see that MEMRI is up to their usual business of inflaming anti-Arab feelings (for some background see these posts, here, here, here, and here.) Now, I have no reason to think that MEMRI is making up this posting, that’s not their MO, they cherry-pick inflammatory texts to translate. It is unfortunate that there is no further information as where the text they are translating came from, but I am willing to take it at face value. The material if factually inaccurate (the cube has already been built, the store has been open for several months, there…

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Current Affairs


The latest study puts over 600,000 Iraqi civilians dead since the occupation began (here and here). It’s a good thing we don’t believe in science or facts (and more and more it seems we don’t believe in God), otherwise we might be concerned. [editor’s note:] The “we” refers to us as Americans, not just the members of islamicate. Technorati Tags: Iraq

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MacQibla Sale

Software for your Mac: 50% sale today only. See here. “If you do business in the Islamic world, or belong to the Islamic faith, MacQibla is the perfect time and calendar tool… supporting both the Islamic and Western calendars. Version 3.0 has been completely rewritten from scratch to take full advantage of OS X. New to MacQibla 3.0 are sheets which give instant access to any city via popup menus in each city box.” Technorati Tags: mac

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Current Affairs

The Beginning of the End

The October 2006 issue of Vanity Fair contains two important articles, which are worth reading: Empire Falls, by Niall Ferguson, and Under Egypt’s Volcano, by Scott Anderson. In Empire Falls, Fergusson uses historian Edward Gibbon’s theories on the decline and fall of Rome to make an interesting, if not convincing, case for the same state of conditions currently in play in the West. Gibbon’s blamed Rome’s decline on external military overreach, internal corruption, social decadence, religious transformation, and barbarian invasion. Fergusson counters with the War on Terror, the cult of personality, superficiality, reality TV, cultural decline, immigration, and the rise…

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Inter-faith Politics

Interfaith Alliance – Free Speech – Press Release

The Interfaith Alliance For Immediate Release September 26, 2006 Contact: William Blake, (202) 639-6370, ext. 113 (w), (202) 680-8765 (c) House Vote Reduces First Amendment to Second Class Status The Interfaith Alliance Denounces Bill to Limit Religious Freedom (Washington, D.C.) Today the House of Representatives scheduled a vote on H.R. 2679, the “Public Expression of Religion Act.” The bill would eliminate damages and awards of attorneys’ fees for individuals or groups in successful cases brought to ensure their constitutional rights under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This bill would limit long-standing remedies available under…

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Inter-faith Intra-faith

Ramadan Mubarak and Shanah Tovah

May this season bring joy and happiness to all. It is an important holiday season for many religious traditions this month, not just the Children of Abraham. Please see Rachel’s post, and follow the Tent of Abraham link. Tonight begins Ramadan for me. For an understanding of why different Muslim communities recognize different days for the beginning of the month, see this post. Technorati Tags: inter-faith, intra-faith, Tishri, Ramadan

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