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They are needed to fly. I don’t discount the whole plot, but there is something not right with the announcement happening a day after Lieberman (Republican in Democrat’s clothing – Connecticut) losing the primary. Here’s a piece on the chemistry involved. Technorati Tags: London, terrorism
The Achievements of al Qaeda: Muslim World, Take Note
A suicide bomber some years back attacked a hotel in Amman, Jordan, killing among others Moustapha Akkad, producer of The Message — one of the noblest attempts to convey Islam as a faith of good and to elevate and publicize the reputation and character of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Yeah, that’s right: al-Qaeda killed Akkad. His daughter was also martyred during that attack. What has Umar Farouk my-last-name-is-haram Abdul-Muttallab accomplished or advanced? [From The Achievements of al Qaeda: Muslim World, Take Note]
Mehta on Mumbai
Suketu Mehta, author of the magnificent Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found, has a moving Op-Ed in the NYT about the Mumbai tragedies. Anna at Sepia Mutiny does a close reading of the text. Both are worth your time. Mumbai