Current Affairs


I am not sure if readers are aware of the on-going flap in Pakistan regarding the role of Education Review Boards. If not, let me fill you in briefly. The MMA, a coalition of really ugly mullahs, clerics, and outlaws are protesting the goverments recognition of the Aga Khan University Examination Board as one of the Boards that administer tests for graduating students. The protest have gotten serious and the calls for violence escalating. In the midst of Pakistans increasing intolerance, I came across articles by Irfan Husain, a Pakistani commentary who writes in The Dawn. Mr. Husain is a…

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Tangent: Macs, Sci-Fi, a Beautiful Eulogy

Once, I say, I am a huge fan of Apple Computers and the Mac OS. I’m also a Sci-Fi guy; not über-geek, but a fan. So I’m also really looking forward to the release of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It’s no secret that Douglas Adams was a fan of the Mac as well. One of Adams’ friends has written a beautiful piece about Adams. You should read it. It not only brings together some of my interests, but it’s a good piece of writing.

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Current Affairs

Who are these people?

Anybody heard of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council? I haven’t. Most Muslim Ugandans I know haven’t. Thankfully, The Revealer caught them out as a being truly stupid. This is good news because now I know why my friends think their smart – they know stupider people :). (BTW, what they are being stupid about is what they claim has to do with “Islam.”)

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Current Affairs

You say Salafi, I say Wahhabi…

Its been a long hard winter. I realised that unless you take a winter break, this place is bleak. A Red Sox title only warms you up so far. Some interesting things are taking place in the Middle East which have me reading the papers more carefully. I am not convinced that the assasination of Hariri was planned by Assad. Don’t get me wrong, I think the Syrians are knee deep in mire on this one. I think this was a Syrian security operation designed to put pressure on Assad. This is a Syrian internal conflict being played out in…

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Perhaps the greatest American Muslim thinker of the 20th century was Malcolm X. Even when he was with the NOI, his speeches that did not attempt to define himself negatively – i.e. against others – were brilliant. After his Hajj experience, what he offered American Muslims resonates today. His letters were almost lost, but thankfully, they were saved.

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Inter-faith Intra-faith


Read this article about a man who is fighting for freedom for the killer of his son. I don’t know if I would have that strength in me to forgive. This is forgiveness is not of the tongue or the mind, but of the heart. Azim Khamisa is also open that it was his faith that lead him through the dark time. More details on the foundation website.

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