Tangent: Macs, Sci-Fi, a Beautiful Eulogy

Once, I say, I am a huge fan of Apple Computers and the Mac OS. I’m also a Sci-Fi guy; not über-geek, but a fan. So I’m also really looking forward to the release of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It’s no secret that Douglas Adams was a fan of the Mac as well. One of Adams’ friends has written a beautiful piece about Adams. You should read it. It not only brings together some of my interests, but it’s a good piece of writing.

5 thoughts on “Tangent: Macs, Sci-Fi, a Beautiful Eulogy

  1. Any person who dresses up as Queen Amidala and has Jar Jar P’jamies is an uber-geek. We at MIT salute you.

  2. Ghost Dog, just so you know how culturally clueless you are, it’s Princess Leia, and Yoda PJs.
    EK, the article is about Douglas Adams and talks about his love for Macs.

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