They need elections
What do you think is better, owning your own religion or owning your own country? Why not do both? [Warning: Graphic descriptions of amazing asininity.]
islam doesn't speak, muslims do | "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr" – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
What do you think is better, owning your own religion or owning your own country? Why not do both? [Warning: Graphic descriptions of amazing asininity.]
Via Atrios we have a Republican Rep. from Texas saying he wants to nuke Syria. I think we now have more than an inkling that there is a fifth column in the US, people who agree with Osama Bin Laden and are trying to further his agenda. Rep. Johnson seems like a prime person to fit that bill. He wants to nuke a country that has a type of Islam that OBL can’t stand, Shi’ah sympathetic (although not primarily Shi’ah), and he wants to kill Christian minorities in Muslim majority countries. Isn’t this part of the Al-Qaeda platform? Texas Democrats,…
First hat-tip here. The NYT is not allowing perma-links on the issue. Try to check out their coverage. Tajikistan, the country with which I’m most familiar, has a great deal of potential in terms of human capital. It would be a shame if the corruption of the government kept it from realizing its potential. While the initial blush of post-Soviet headiness in the international community has faded, I believe there is enough aid and interest in Tajikistan that it still has a short window in which it could develop a sustainable economy.
Disappeared in America. Since the reporters aren’t getting on this, I’m glad the artists are. I suppose the cynic in me wants to know for how much longer before they too are silenced. Link via Sister Scorpion.
Jonathan brings us more information on Indian Jews. Here are my links on the topic, including to Rachel’s trip to India. In India, both Muslims and Jews are minority communities and in close proximity to one another. What’s interesting is that you never hear about Muslim anti-Semitism in India.