
The Idea of America

In his op-ed yesterday, Thomas Friedman touched on something very dear to me – the idea of America. And in order to preserve the idea of America (he was actually talking about America’s Honor), he said that this administration needed to fire Rumsfeld, eat crow publicly, enlist help, and change course. I agree that all of these things might help preserve America’s credibility and salvage the Iraq situation, but I don’t share any of his optimism that there is any hope that this is what we will do. At least one reporter sees no end in site for Rumsfeld. Although…

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If all the trees of the earth were pens And the oceans ink, With many more oceans fro replenishing them, The words of God could never be written. Truly he is all-mighty and all-wise. (31:27) read in the name of your lord who created created man from an embryo read for your lord is most generous who taught by the pen taught man what he did not know. (96:1-5)

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