I know quite a few Muslims and Muslim organizations are upset about the loss of Muslim lives in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc.. However, none of them seem to be upset by the fact that the largest slaughters of Muslims (this is opinion, I don’t have the numbers to back it up yet) in the last ten years has been committed by other self-styled Muslims, namely Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. In the last 48 hours I’ve seen three headlines (1, 2, 3), which are what have gotten me thinking about this issue. Why aren’t more Muslims decrying this loss of life if for no other reason than they are our “brethren?” One of the greatest ironies is that on 9/11 most estimates have around 10% of the victims as being Muslim. Why weren’t our “leaders” decrying the wholesale murder of Muslims then? Or is it acceptable for “Muslims” to kill Muslims? I’m outraged.
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