WakeUp! Come to the best of all deeds!

So, our friends over at Muslim WakeUp! have instituted a new activity, a WakeUp! Call. Their first one is directed to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). ISNA is supporting a temperance society that believes the only way to salvation is through Jesus and all immigration should be stopped lest the hordes run us over. But the good news is, they will bring back prohibition. Didn’t we learn anything from the 2000 election? A single issue, at the ignorance [yes, I know it’s not the correct use of the word, but it really is a willful ignorance] of all else, cannot define the community. And really, have we become so stupid that we want to bring back a failed Constitutional amendment because we believe to be Islamic, and once that’s passed we’ll gladly allow ourselves to exported/deported/detained?

One thought on “WakeUp! Come to the best of all deeds!

  1. I thought I’d seen a lot (believe me, I’ve seen some weird thing).
    Now I really have!

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