Alls Quiet on the Western Front

Today is a slow news day. There is not too much to speak about, either that or I have to admit that I am just lazy. Here is article that would not be so interesting but for the fact that it comes out of Saudi Arabia " Another imam renounces his support for terrorists" I wonder what kind of torture this imam had to endure to change his mind. The dreaded Saudi Police probably threatened to shave him and have him acknowledge a woman. Not to be outdone in the reformation, Pakistan too, gets into the act Ulema to be Asked to Teach Moderate Islam . Tolerance and pluralism are now the buzzwords and the Saudis and Pakistanis are nothing if not trend setters. Not convinced by the Saudi turn around, Dr. Muhammad Talal Al-Rasheed, columnist for the English language daily The Saudi Gazette, wrote an article titled "Senseless Violence, Senseless Death". A very "We have seen the enemy… and he is us" article. A ‘progressive Muslim’ favorite steps up to the plate and calls Bush a fundamentalist. Khaled Abou El Fadl, appointee to the Commission on International Religious Freedom, denounces the current administration. I am not a big fan of this administration, but I did like Bush’s speech on democracy in the Middle East. It seems however, that the already democratic and open Arab press were not that impressed. Reactions in the Arab Press to President Bush’s Address on Democracy in the Middle East . Finally, think that the Muslim world has a monopoly on ignorance, then check out this article about an Oregon school that has come underfire for offering students extra credit for fasting during Ramadan in order to better understand sacrifice and Islam. The article entitled Islamizing our Schools is full of inaccuracies and was written by an 18 year old. All of these were found using News