
Alls Quiet on the Western Front

Today is a slow news day. There is not too much to speak about, either that or I have to admit that I am just lazy. Here is article that would not be so interesting but for the fact that it comes out of Saudi Arabia " Another imam renounces his support for terrorists" I wonder what kind of torture this imam had to endure to change his mind. The dreaded Saudi Police probably threatened to shave him and have him acknowledge a woman. Not to be outdone in the reformation, Pakistan too, gets into the act Ulema to be…

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The Problem with Sects

I am a Shi’ah Muslim. Just wanted that out in the open and up front before beginning the post. This ‘blog is not limited to a particular school of thought, nor does it wish to exacerbate differences amongst the schools of thought. However, I have noticed a tendency, even amongst liberal/progressive/intellectual Muslim sites to marginalize Shi’ahs in their discussions. This statement is not meant to be an indictment, but a statement of fact that allows me a chance to get into a discussion.

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Society and Architecture

Islamoyankee gave me the opening by speaking of urbanism, so I am going to commence by walking through the door of architecture. It is probably apparent to those who have read my previous postings that I am not a scholar of Islam. I am infact an architect by training and an project administrator by profession. It is through my affiliation with architecture that my understanding of the problems that afflict and affect the Muslim world are framed. I would like to share with you some readings on architecture that may also help the reader understand the current crisis in the…

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