
Islam and Modernity 2

In 2002, the Insitute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World, Leiden, Netherlands, published a series of essays dealing with the issue of Islam and Modernity. The publication entitled "New Voices of Islam", edited by Farish Noor, is available for download in PDF format. It features the following essays: Muslims Must Realize That There Is Nothing Magical about the Concept of Human Rights Interview with Abdullahi An-Na’im The Responsibilities of the Muslim Intellectual in the 21 s t C e n t u r y Interview with Abdolkarim Soroush We Need New Intellectual Tools for the Age We…

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Yee! I submit

OK, Muhajabah has been on top of the Yee case. I can’t compete. First, Yee is charged with adultery and downloading pornography, not espionage, the reason for which he was originally arrested. Then, the prosecution discovers the legal staff at Gitmo is releasing classified information to anyone who asks. Now it seems that the papers that Yee had, which were supposed to be classified, may in fact not have been classified. Curiouser and curiouser.

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Thanks to the unmedia, I found a new ‘blog called “Muslims Under Progress.” I like what I’ve seen so far, and look forward to reading more of their posts. (Caveat: The site doesn’t seem to render properly on all browsers. a Gecko based one – Mozilla, Camino, Firebird, etc. should do the trick.) The first post I read was by Haroon Moghul, called “Choice and Comprehension.” I’ve talked about one of Haroon’s pieces before, and I want to begin by assuring him it’s nothing personal, I just really like his stuff and it gets me thinking. So now some of…

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Abdolkarim Souroush speaks about Islam and Modernity

“Muslims need to recognize that we live in the modern world whether we like it or not. But the modern age in which we find ourselves is not a homogeneous one. The four pillars of modernity are modern concepts, conceptions, means and ends. These in turn shape the pluralistic and heterodox worldview of modern life. The plurality of modernities means that there exist many different ways through which people understand themselves in the world today. The modern age has given us modern conceptions, such as the conception of God, of Prophethood, etc. The modern age also furnishes us with modern…

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Alls Quiet on the Western Front

Today is a slow news day. There is not too much to speak about, either that or I have to admit that I am just lazy. Here is article that would not be so interesting but for the fact that it comes out of Saudi Arabia " Another imam renounces his support for terrorists" I wonder what kind of torture this imam had to endure to change his mind. The dreaded Saudi Police probably threatened to shave him and have him acknowledge a woman. Not to be outdone in the reformation, Pakistan too, gets into the act Ulema to be…

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The Problem with Sects

I am a Shi’ah Muslim. Just wanted that out in the open and up front before beginning the post. This ‘blog is not limited to a particular school of thought, nor does it wish to exacerbate differences amongst the schools of thought. However, I have noticed a tendency, even amongst liberal/progressive/intellectual Muslim sites to marginalize Shi’ahs in their discussions. This statement is not meant to be an indictment, but a statement of fact that allows me a chance to get into a discussion.

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Society and Architecture

Islamoyankee gave me the opening by speaking of urbanism, so I am going to commence by walking through the door of architecture. It is probably apparent to those who have read my previous postings that I am not a scholar of Islam. I am infact an architect by training and an project administrator by profession. It is through my affiliation with architecture that my understanding of the problems that afflict and affect the Muslim world are framed. I would like to share with you some readings on architecture that may also help the reader understand the current crisis in the…

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Walt Disney Said That?

One of my secret passions is Apple Computer. I love the elegance and ease of use, and I read Mac news sites on a regular basis. I ran across this article on Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, and it had the following great quote from Walt Disney: Before his death in 1966, Disney said, “I don’t believe there is a challenge anywhere in the world that is more important to people everywhere than finding the solution to the problems of our cities. But where do we begin? Well, we’re convinced we must start with the public need. And the…

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Porn and Chicken

OK, the news has broken. The Muslim chaplain at Guantanamo accused of espionage has apparently been charged with adultery and downloading pornography. Not quite espionage. I think TPM has it right in his analysis: it might be that all the information against him cannot be released, but would you then see him back on active duty? The Boston Globe discusses how the charge against Yee, the chaplain in question, might be the result of hysteria. I think they might be on to something. I could go on about how this really is a quest for the Justice Department, who now…

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Following the Bread Crumbs

While visiting unmedia, I saw a link on deconstructing Daniel Pipes’ latest peace writings. This particular rambling was on identifying oneself as a moderate Muslim. From unmedia, I got to Zack’s detailed criticism of Pipes, and I don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Zack in-turn lead me to a beliefnet quiz on what type of Muslim I am. Good fun. I came in as a “spiritual seeker,” but I found so many of the questions hard to answer because they pre-supposed a particular understanding of Islam, which is not mine. I’m still working on that Shi’ism post.

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