Intra-faith Women

More on Women and the Veil

This one is an interesting take on a non-Muslim woman who has to wear the veil in Saudi Arabia. I’m curious about somethings. Towards the end, she is on the sidewalk unattended by a male. Is that not a problem? She can’t be in the bank with her male escort, so she’s left unescorted outside? Also, isn’t the abaya supposed to be the thing that hides women? Are they be veiled and separated in a different room? I know all these things intellectually, but to read her story helps to highlight the contradictions. Technorati Tags: veil, Saudi Arabia, women in…

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Intra-faith Women

Deny the Prophet

Deny Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his teachings and his life. Such is the teaching of the Cult of Abd al-Wahhab. See Ali for more. I link to Ali because he ends so well. 1400 years of women’s presence, and a bunch of overly-hormoned men who are afraid of women wish to deny the existence of women, and take the name of Prophet Muhammad and Islam to do it. Haramzadeh ibn Shud-bewaqufi indeed. Technorati Tags: Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Women

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First boxers…now fighter pilots?

OMA (oh my allah!), What has happened to the clean watan?  As the BBC reports: the Pakistan Airforce is now admitting women into their ranks. They are flying planes (maybe those newly released F16’s will be flown by a sister) They are shooting with rifles And they are marching in Parades: Yes!!!! Go Sisters Go!!!! What no Burqa?

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Intra-faith Women

Hijab in the UK

Via this Crooked Timber piece [sorry CT folks, can’t find your trackback ID] I found out about this case in the UK about a Muslim girl wanting to cover in school. I like Harry’s last paragraph: But the fact that the regulations might drive a girl into an educational situation in which her religious beliefs will not be challenged or tested seems to me a reason for bending, or revising the rules, not a consideration in their favour. The parents’ enthusiasm that their child should attend a state comprehensive school is to their credit. Telling them that they should school…

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Women in Mosques

The latest article on Asra Nomani and her struggle for the recognition that women are God’s creation, not man’s slave. Both Muslim Wakeup! and altmuslim are cited in the article and they have had great coverage on the issue. I’ve posted some of my thoughts on MWU in the comments section.

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Current Affairs Inter-faith Religion Women


There is an op-ed written in a NY Urdu language paper (English translation) that deals with the issue of hijab. I’m looking for the Urdu version, but the English translation reminds me very much of what some of the early debate was like in NY in English. You would throw out a whole bunch of arguments and see what would stick. The arguments have become much more sophisticated and targeted, helped both by time and the easy accessibility of more academic material. I think this article is important, not because of what it says, but because of the language and…

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