Charity Current Affairs

Rebuild the Philippines #GivingTuesday @miimdesigns

For several years we have suffered global catastrophes that have cost thousands of lives and untold years of future hardship. Most recent is Typhoon Haiyan, which destroyed parts of the Philippines at a cost of over 5000 lives. It is easy, and necessary, to give money to help people after a tragedy like this, but it is also easy for donor fatigue to develop. There are already reports that most Americans are unaware of the tragedy. More importantly, even after the initial rush of aid, what happens to the people and physical ruins of their lives is something we do…

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Families and Friends, Not Churches and Charities, Provide Most Help for Jobless – Philanthropy Today – The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas

Families and Friends, Not Churches and Charities, Provide Most Help for Jobless – Philanthropy Today – The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas. Relatives and friends are by far the primary source of assistance for people mired in unemployment, with about 70 percent of the long-term jobless saying they’re received no help from churches or community organizations, according to an NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation survey.

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Website connects donors to needy families –

Website connects donors to needy families – With the wolf at the door, Robinson turned to an innovative new website business run by a Palo Alto, Calif., attorney and the son of civil rights pioneer Andrew Young. The site,, allows people who need emergency help getting food or paying the electric bill to tell their stories; donors read those stories and make donations targeted for specific individuals or families.

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Shaheena Karimi Scholarship Fund

A young woman who went to college with me passed away this year. She was a wonderful, vivacious personality. A mutual friend, in conjunction with her family, has established a scholarship in her memory at Barnard. Please read the letter below and consider donating here. —- A little over nine months ago, each of us lost someone very dear to our hearts. Shaheena Karimi was a warm, genuine and passionate woman. Never without a smile, Shaheena inspired all of us through her unwavering determination to live a full life. To Shaheena, this absolutely included giving generously of her time to…

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Member Spotlight: Zahra Kassam « Best Buddies Team Maria

So proud to know Zahra and her great work. Member Spotlight: Zahra Kassam « Best Buddies Team Maria. I joined Team Maria, along with ten other I-CERV volunteers (Ismaili Community Engaged in Responsible Volunteering).  We wanted to be part of a team of people who are passionate about making a difference in our communities, schools, and workplaces – and, we wanted to be part of an organization that shares the Muslim ethics of compassion and sharing.

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Good Will: Answering TTP Foundation’s Walk | Mina Rajan

Answering TTP Foundation’s Walk to Answer TTP Together – Answering TTP Foundation – Mina Rajan. I will be joining other TTP patients and supporters on September 24, 2011 to raise awareness for this orphaned disorder.   We will be walking alone or in small groups.  Pledges will help us to raise funds for much needed research.  This will ease treatment and ultimately find a cure for TTP. TTP is too rare to make it economical for pharmaceutical companies to fund specialized TTP research. Your donation, no matter how small, makes the fight possible.  We are a geographically dispersed patient group…

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Charity: Out of Darkness

A friend of mine is doing an overnight walk to raise funds for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I do not think we take mental health seriously enough, and especially not in the Muslim-American community. I would love to generate some more awareness of this important issue by supporting Gareth’s work. Please see the site here.

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Art Charity

Peaceful Families Project Benefit/Hijabi Monologues Performance – DC Area

Good group, good material. Please try to support. — I’m writing to ask you for your personal support in getting the word out about our upcoming Peaceful Families Project benefit. It’s right around the corner on May 14th at GMU, with a performance by the Hijabi Monologues, and we’ve had such low registration thus far that I’m really worried about the success of the event. Though I’m not typically one to ask for favors, I, and many Muslim leaders, have devoted our blood, sweat & tears (sorry to be so graphic 😉 to prevent and address domestic violence among Muslim…

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