Current Affairs

State of Formation – Every Land is #Ferguson

State of Formation – Every Land is #Ferguson. There is a power in raising our hands for Ferguson. We do not raise our hands like the Illuminati or a Rockefella [sicknowledge]; we do not raise our hands to act out an NWA lyric; we do not even raise our hands in an “Allah Akbar.” Instead, we raise our hands in surrender. Our submission is to the police. The power in raising our hands is with the police. It’s not an act of agency, but a recognition of the value(lessness) of brown and black bodies. This submission to authoritarianism should concern…

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Media Appearances

Inside The Growing Organic Halal Movement – The Daily Beast

Inside The Growing Organic Halal Movement – The Daily Beast. Hussein Rashid, a professor at Hofstra University and an Islamic scholar, said these debates have been raging within the Muslim community, who are fragmented on what should be eaten. Other issues include whether stunning an animal before death is halal and the age-old debate on whether it’s okay to eat meat slaughtered by Jews and Christians.

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Media Appearances

Quoted: ISIS vs. mainstream Muslims: The media battle – CNN Belief Blog – Blogs

ISIS vs. mainstream Muslims: The media battle – CNN Belief Blog – Blogs. Quoting Islam’s holiest text to make that point was smart, said Hussein Rashid, a religion scholar at Hofstra University in New York. “ISIS violates every single tenet of this verse, so Barfi shows them to be ignorant,” he said.  “By using the Quran as the basis for debate he also demonstrates that ISIS does not actually base themselves in Muslim traditions, but in the language of hatred and rage.”  Likewise, Barfi’s use of the phrase “debate with calm preachings” rings a particular note in Islam, Muslim scholars said.  It recalls…

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Books Literature

Review: Sufi Comics – Rumi

I am a huge fan of Sufi Comics. I've been reading them for years, and appreciate their dedication to their craft, and the fact that they use the teachings of both Sufism and Shi'ism in their lessons. I was super excited when their first book came out, even though it was a collection of material they had already published on their blog. I bought several copies, and then several more when the color version came out. Their second book, The Wise Fool of Baghdad, was also a gem. They used the name Bahlool, but the figure they wrote about is…

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Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion Web/Tech

Tweeting the Qur’an #Quran #ttquran #Ramadan 2014/1435

Traditionally, Muslims read the Qur'an in its entirety over this time, in a section a day. The Qur'an is split into thirty sections, called juz', and one section is read each night.  This year is the 6th year I am inviting people to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. To see how the call has (not) evolved, here are the first five call outs: 2009 Windsor Star Article 2010 (despite the title, which says 2011) 2011 USA Today Article 2012 2013 Storify (including press stories)   The Background [from the 2009 post]  This year, I have been thinking it would be fun…

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Event: Speaking at Chattaqua on Thursday, Aug. 21, 2014

Hussein Rashid. As one author expressed, avoiding thinking about death does not confer immortality.  Religious traditions bring a distinctive perspective to the end of the life cycle and the inevitability of death.  Recognizing mortality, often terrifying at first, can provide ultimate meaning for living when faced with acceptance and preparation.  In this week we will face destiny with practicality, inspiration, and perhaps joy.   

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Media Appearances

State of Formation – The Aga Khan and the Human Connection

State of Formation – The Aga Khan and the Human Connection. Following my previous post on putting the Aga Khan’s speech at Brown in a historical context, I want to spend some time on his discussion of technology and human interaction. Rather than speaking only to the Nizari Ismaili community, or to concerns that affect only Nizari Ismailis, he is addressing a larger human concern. If, as the Qur’an states, the Prophet Muhammad was sent as a mercy to all mankind, than it is only logical that his descendants and the inheritors of his spiritual authority should continue to speak…

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Media Appearances

State of Formation – Understanding the Aga Khan’s Speech in History

State of Formation – Understanding the Aga Khan’s Speech in History. Recently, the Aga Khan gave a speech at Brown University. As the head of a community of Muslims spread throughout the world, a community to which I belong, the speech needs some reflection. As the Imam, or Divinely appointed head of the community, it would be a mistake to read his comments as a concern for the moment.

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