Support Outsourced

As you know, this past season was a groundbreaking one for South Asians across US TV and entertainment. Being the first ever American sitcom set in India and staffed by so many South Asian actors, writers, and crew members, we are so proud to be part of this trailblazing year. It has been a thrill for us, the cast, to be a part of “Outsourced” and an even greater thrill to see how fans have embraced the show, especially so many of you in the South Asian community.

We know there was skepticism and even a few raised eye brows in the early days, but 22 episodes later (yes, that’s 22 episodes!), we continued to grow. We are genuinely blessed to have so many fans – new and old – who are seeing the show blossom into a wonderful showcase for Indian culture and a platform for cross-cultural understanding (not to mention a few great laughs!). We could not do it without you.

We’re writing because the next week will determine whether “Outsourced” is cancelled, or given another season to further develop and flourish. We would be thrilled for a chance to tell more stories about South Asian culture — there are so many more stories to tell. We want to show the world that yes, a show like ours with South Asian at the helm can succeed on US television. We’re writing to ask for your support in helping us secure that second season – not just for the show, but for a piece of history for all.

How can you help?

First, we would like to make ourselves available for phone or live interviews (in LA) with anyone interested in writing about the status of the show and the fan campaign. To schedule an interview with any of us (meaning me Rizwan, Parvesh, Ben, Anisha, Sacha, Rebecca, Pippa, Diedrich, Ken and Robert) today or this week, please phone or email Kellie at (phone: 818-777-3006) or alternatively Geetika at

Second, if you are a fan or want to just support keeping the show on-air, a letter writing campaign by fans is also underway. Please write a letter of support to in the next week. Friend us on Facebook (NBC’s Outsourced Page, “Keep Outsourced”) or tweet us! All letters are being delivered to Bob Greenblatt, President of NBC Entertainment.

Once again, we are deeply grateful for your support. Help give us a chance to keep on growing!

Anisha, Ben, Diedrich, Parvesh, Pippa, Rebecca, Rizwan, Sacha, Robert (Exec Producer) and Ken (Show Creator)