Support PlaneTunity in the Pepsi Refresh Project

PlaneTunity Fest –
Celebrating Unity with Tunes of Our Community

PlaneTunity Records, a Dallas based company, has recently qualified as a finalist for the Pepsi Refresh Project running for a $250,000 grant. This grant is being offered to an organization that will do good in the communities af-fected by the oil spill in the Gulf states. PlaneTunity Records, an organization that is formed on the foundations of uniting the planet through tunes is step-ping up to do its duty to humanity.

“We plan to implement four festivals in the affected communities. These events have the potential of providing thousands with hope, which is an es-sential catalyst for progress.” said Hussain Manjee, VP of Marketing for Plane-Tunity Records.

This festival, PlaneTunity Fest, will provide the platform for members of the community, local businesses, national brands, and celebrities/ government officials to show the world that ‘we stand united’. It will also allow local musi-cians a platform to showcase their talents, celebrate their heritage, and most importantly bring positivity to these resilient communities.

You can help PlaneTunity secure the grant by voting for them at; and spread the word for this noble cause.