Current Affairs

‘Stealth Jihad’ Conveys Paranoia – Newsweek

‘Stealth Jihad’ Conveys Paranoia – Newsweek. Also, simply put, foreign words freak people out. “Jihad” and “Sharia” reinforce the sense among Americans that Muslims in general have an unfathomable world view. During World War II, formerly obscure words like “hara-kiri” and “kamikaze,” which suggested the “warlike ferocity” of the Japanese, became common parlance, Nunberg says. “There was this sense of being confronted with this hostile, alien culture.” The Japanese were “literally demonized,” he says.

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Current Affairs

LSAT Logic and “Ground Zero Mosque” Arguments, Part 1

Great two part series on the logical problems with current opposition to Park51. Make sure you click through to the second part as well. LSAT Logic and “Ground Zero Mosque” Arguments, Part 1. As regular readers may agree, aside from a few simple dissections of logical fallacies on The Colbert Report, I’ve rarely revealed, let alone promoted, my personal opinions on this blog. However, the more I read and watch about Park51 (the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque”), the angrier I get.

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my final word on @Park51 – City of Brass

my final word on Park51 – City of Brass. When you combine the emotional impact of 9-11, the undercurrent of prejudice against Islam borne of fear of the unknown/centuries of Orientalism marking it as the quintessential Other, and then layer onto that the background signal of racial intolerance that is America’s original sin and persists to this day, then you are basically confronted with a pretty skewed playing field, against which the idealized rhetoric of universal rights and freedoms has a disadvantage. It’s to the credit of our national character however that we are actually having a debate. That suggests…

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Mosque near Ground Zero? “It’s about the community, stupid” – On Faith

Guest Voices: Mosque near Ground Zero? “It’s about the community, stupid” – On Faith at For all their noble intentions, the individuals behind the proposed community center near Ground Zero failed to do one major thing before they presented their plans for their Muslim center, which would include a mosque, to city officials: they did not consult with other American Muslims. In doing so, they effectively cornered American Muslims into taking a position, especially once opposition to Park51 mounted. This was unfair to millions of American Muslims who are bystanders in what has become an attack on our religious…

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Conservatives Offer Compromise on Ground Zero Mosque — Crooked Timber

Conservatives Offer Compromise on Ground Zero Mosque — Crooked Timber. “We’re being cast as opponents of religious freedom,” said blogger Pamela Geller, “and that’s not fair.  We’re just saying that this is a highly sensitive matter and a very important place for us.  We’re all about freedom.  And to prove it, we propose that the location of the Ground Zero mosque should be dedicated, instead, to a Museum of Danish Mohammed Cartoons.  We were very pro-freedom when those cartoons were published, and we think it would be appropriate if the site were to serve as a memorial to that watershed…

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Action Alert: Pakistan Flood Relief

I wanted to bring your attention to a new initiative that we are launching to promote awareness and provide information on the Pakistan Floods – Pakistan: Flood Action NOW!/pages/Pakistan-Flood-Action-NOW/111179318935127 P-FAN was created on August 14, 2010 by a group of concerned citizens just like you. P-FAN is our heartfelt response to the disastrous floods and related suffering in Pakistan. P-FAN members are all over the world and are of every race and creed. We are coming together to make a difference. We are dedicated to coordinating awareness, fund raising and supporting relief efforts in response to this humanitarian crisis…

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