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Which Muhammad? (More than a hand?)
I was watching the documentary The Rockstar and the Mullahs, and a particular segment leapt out at me. One of the self-styled mullahs (I say this because his formal education in the religious system seems to have been non-existent) says that the world will be better when we start doing things like cutting off the hands of thieves. He’s quite happy to say only he and his followers know what true Islam is, and all others who call themselves Muslim are “sons of pigs.” I’m sure he and his ilk would be more than happy to decry people like the…
Podcast – Ghost in the Machine
via Kevin, I see our appearance at SXSW has been posted. I’m telling you to go listen to it, even though I haven’t, so I don’t know if I like what I said, but I’m an attention whore. Technorati Tags: SXSW2007
You will read this, Insha’allah
Having just come from a conference in Cairo, I can agree that everyone will want to give you directions, regardless of what they know, and everyone says “insha’allah” every second word. However, the worst culprits of the second act are British Muslims at the conference who seemed really insecure about any identification they had. Cairo, Egypt