Current Affairs Politics Religion

My Thoughts on the #IranElection

inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un – We are from God and to God we return The unrest in Iran has been going on for almost two weeks, and I have posted nothing here for several reasons: The story is unfolding in internet time, and the updates are coming fast and furious on Twitter. I am geared for academic time and television time, both of which move significantly slower than internet time. Because of the speed at which things are moving, people with deeper knowledge and/or better resources are better positioned to give real knowledge on the situation. I do…

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New Critique of Those Who Love to Criticize Academics

For those unfamiliar, the “Academic Bill of Rights” is designed to curtail free speech in American universities, particularly by professors involved in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. A new report by Free Exchange on Campus, a coalition of groups opposed to David Horowitz’s “Academic Bill of Rights” and similar measures, argues that the entire movement is built on false premises and is designed to attack higher education. The report, “Manufactured Controversy,” notes that legislative successes for this movement have been minimal, but that the effort still needs scrutiny. [From New Critique of Those Who Love to Criticize Academics]

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