I have lifted the following wholesale from Aziz P.. He says it. I wouldn’t say much different. It’s a good cause. I will feature the post until the weekend (or I remember to take it down) so it stays on top.
—–Begin Verbatim Verbiage—–
My friend, the writer G. Willow Wilson, is the author of the comic book series AIR which has been getting rave reviews and recognition. But AIR is more than a book, it’s also a cause! I’ll let Willow explain:
Whacky as it is, AIR is a book with a message. So, for every copy of AIR bought this May Day (Friday, May 1st), I will donate $1 to the Koru Foundation, a UK-based charity that helps impoverished communities the world over develop low-cost renewable energy projects, bringing climate-friendly electricity to villages without a single light bulb. Ironically, the people most threatened by climate change are those who had the least responsibility in creating it. I saw this firsthand in North Africa, where desertification is already destroying ancient farming cultures. By acting now, we can help ease the burden on our planet while bringing power to communities without it.
Here is what to do:
- On Friday, May 1st, click here to purchase a copy of AIR: Letters from Lost Countries from Amazon.com
- Email info [at] gwillowwilson [dot] com. Write ‘May Day AIRlift’ in the Subject line. In the body of the email, copy and paste your Amazon order number. Do NOT include any financial information, your address, or anything else! Just the order number.
- Sit back, wait for your book to arrive, and feel good about having done something for our planet.
Pretty easy, no? So all you have to do is buy the book on May 1st and then email her with the details.