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Technological shift at the White House
WaPo does a piece on the technological transition happening at the White House. In addition to the usual transition headaches regarding phones, emails, etc., apparently the WH is not equipped, legally, to allow the Web 2.0 operation to continue. Be interesting to see how this plays out, especially if we are to get a new iPhone app (please). Favorite line: “The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software.” At least their Windows was state-of-the-art. (sorry couldn’t resist)
Building A Better Bookstore – The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan – The Daily Beast
Great series of ideas for the future of the bookstore. I’m not sure we need the cultural loss of the bookstore as a place that brings the community together. Building A Better Bookstore – The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan – The Daily Beast. Tony Sanfilippo reimagines the bookstore as a place with bestsellers up front, a print-on-demand machine in the middle, and a scale of pricing options for how to buy or rent the books in the rest of the store, including ebooks
Muslim Americans and Facebook Survey
Forwarded as received. Hello, We need your assistance! The Communication Department at the University of California, Davis is conducting survey research on Muslim Americans social networks, interpersonal relationships, and use of the website Facebook. We will be running our survey in May and June. We are offering over $500 in prizes (either ipods, cash or gifts) in a lottery for participants. Instructions: Interested individuals should click the link and join the group. We will then notify the group members when the survey starts. (It will only take two minutes to register, and the survey will only take 20 minutes). This…