I’ve been watching the subtle anti-Semitism directed against Sen. Barack Obama. First there’s the constant reference to his name that he shares with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barack, and now he is being tied to a rabbi, a cousin of his wife’s. We’re now understanding how deep this anti-Semitism runs with the revelation that Gov. Sarah Palin did a little religion baiting in her last race and believes all Jews should be converted. We wouldn’t stand for this attack on a people if they were Muslim or Christian, and we shouldn’t stand for it when it directed to Jews. Sen. Obama is not a Jew, but what so what if he was?
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2 thoughts on “Obama and anti-Semitism”
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It’s funny; this parallels something I’ve heard a lot of my Jewish friends saying, which is that there’s some appalling Islamophobia in the way some people are trying to smear Obama by claiming that he is Muslim! First of all, he isn’t. (Has everyone forgotten the brouhaha about his pastor already?) But beyond that, so what if he were? I would be delighted to vote for our first Muslim candidate for president, if that person’s positions matched my hopes and dreams the way Obama’s do. It just so happens that Obama isn’t that guy, because he isn’t Muslim. (Or Jewish. 🙂
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