Chris Rock gets how to send a message. Vote for the guy with one house, he’s afraid of losing it.
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Penis Slicing and Cheney is more Taliban than the Taliban – #torture
Andrew Sullivan brings us two torture related stories today. One pulls on reporting by Glenn Greenwald, in which we find out Binyam Mohamed had his genitals sliced open as torture. If, for some reason, that image doesn’t nauseate you, imagine his name was Benjamin Moses (it is the Hebrew equivalent) and he was in Taliban custody. We surely would be up in arms. Speaking of the Taliban, Andrew also tells us that the Taliban treat their prisoners better than Vice-President Cheney did.
Panel Appearance
I was on this panel. I’ll post video when it become available.
Hijabi Revolution: NYPD and the Muslim American Community in NYC
Linda does a really nice job laying out what’s been happening with respect to the NYPD and the American Muslim community in NYC. I hope to add some of my thoughts later. Hijabi Revolution: NYPD and the Muslim American Community in NYC. I am sure you are all following the controversy around the NYPD’s use of a hateful, anti-Muslim film, The Third Jihad, to train close to 1500 officers. As a member of the Muslim American community, and a member of the broad based coalition calling for the resignation of Raymond Kelly and Paul Browne, I would like to give…