Financial Times has a nice informal piece on the Aga Khan in London.
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Eid Milad Mubarak, 2011
It was this Muhammad — the cosmic Muhammad who served as the cause of creation, the Muhammad that God so loved that were it not for him creation would not have been (according to the Sacred Hadith “Wa law laaka…” )— that was the object of Muslim devotion. … The above Mevlud poem continues to be recited in Turkish homes down to today as it was in Ottoman times, a remarkable longevity in devotional life of Muslims.
“jihad” for dignity
Another piece out of Canadia. I wish it were more in-depth, but a nice piece showing the diversity in the Muslim community, and the things we hold important. Technorati Tags: Muslim homosexuals, human rights
Back to that issue again
The basic response is the same as it was in the original article, the Ismailis aren’t Muslim because the majority of [unnamed] scholars hold that that they aren’t because of various [unnamed] beliefs and practices…. Important point, the Ismailis were recognized as the Caliphs of the Muslim community by a large segment of the ummah in the 10th and 11th centuries when the Fatimid Empire held sway.