
Youssef Chahine is Dead

via Hawg Blawg, I see that Egyptian filmmaker Youssef Chahine is dead. I haven’t seen his earlier work, but I am a fan of al-Massir (Destiny). It’s protagonist is Ibn Rushd, and it’s a reflection of the rise of authoritarianism and the loss of knowledge. There are a couple of sub-plots that I really appreciated in the film, including mystical authoritarianism, which people don’t often associate together, and the power of music to represent freedom. Youssef Chahine

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Current Affairs

Iranian Executions

Iran has executed 29 people. For shame. What civilized country still executes people? Iran especially makes a show of their long history of civilization and still they execute. They also claim to be Muslim, yet they kill. It’s the mark of authoritarianism, not authority. Dictators in our past have done it, but the best of us never did. It is a disgrace. Iran, Untitled, executions

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It’s not torture

if you don’t mean it. Does that mean no one actually commits a crime if they do without meaning to? I suppose that’s how this administration is going to avoid war crimes charges. We didn’t mean to kill civilians wholesale. We didn’t mean to violate the 1st and 4th amendments. We didn’t mean to torture people. I had no idea these guys were such anarchists. terror[ism][ists], torture

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Inter-faith Religion

Muslims on Subways

I’m looking forward to seeing these ads, and will hopefully photo blog them when they come out. I’m more curious as to what the website will say. I’m not going to look until the campaign begins. I have to say I’m actually impressed by CNN’s coverage of this “controversy” highlighting that there seems to be a bit of rabble rousing going on here. NYC, subway

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McCain is a Whiner

Apparently when his base actually does its job and actually reports on news, rather than on McCain’s lies, he gets a little out of sorts. Maybe he should stop counting on the media to fluff him. Remember, McCain wants to see more dead people. Election 2008, McCain, media

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