
Obama Rumors

I’m glad to see someone with the profile of Mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking on the Obama rumors and doing so in an intelligent way. He mentions that saying Obama is a Muslim should not be considered a smear and it has no bearing on Israel, which is being used as a political football. I have a lot of respect for Mayor Bloomberg. This speech only increases it. Electorally, I’m curious, knowing that Jews break heavily Democratic during Presidential elections, would the smear campaign really cause them to vote Republican? Or is it just a way to suppress the vote?…

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Inter-faith Religion


A Muslim teacher in a public school in Ohio kept a Qur’an on his desk and refused to remove it after repeated requests. As a form of discipline he branded a student with a star and crescent moon. I can’t believe that this isn’t generating more outrage. It’s a clear violation of church and state separation, he’s sounds unbalanced, and it’s clearly the result of a faith that demands a public declaration of itself and imposition on others. Oh, wait, sorry, it was a Christian, with a Bible, and he branded a cross. Nothing to see here. Perfectly normal and…

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You will read this, Insha’allah

Having just come from a conference in Cairo, I can agree that everyone will want to give you directions, regardless of what they know, and everyone says “insha’allah” every second word. However, the worst culprits of the second act are British Muslims at the conference who seemed really insecure about any identification they had. Cairo, Egypt

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Shimon Peres Gets Items on Islam

This blurb is kind of cool. Any major news links people know of? I can’t get anything through the Google. The items are: “Under the Eaves of Architecture: The Aga Khan: Builder and Patron” (Philip Jodidio) “Historical Atlas of Islam” (Malise Ruthven) “An Islamic Conscience: the Aga Khan and the Ismailis” (Bill Cran;Shamir Allibhai;Jane Chablani)

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Inter-faith Politics Religion

Event: Interfaith Vigil for Victims & Survivors of Torture June 26th‏

TWO KEY EVENTS SPONSORED BY Metro NY Religious Campaign Against Torture (MNYRCAT), Amnesty International and other organizations ARE HAPPENING ON JUNE 26th – U.N. Day in Remembrance of the Victims and Survivors of Torture June 26th – 6 p.m. – Dag Hammarskjold Plaza – Interfaith Press Conference in Which Denominational Leaders will Announce Their Denomination’s Opposition to Torture followed by a procession to: June 26th – 7 p.m. – U.N. Chapel – Interfaith Prayer Service in Remembrance of the Victims & Survivors of Torture. (Dag Hammarskjold Plaza is at 47th and First Avenue. U.N. Chapel is across from the U.N.…

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