In my latest RD Blog post I have fun with alliteration while alluding to the idea that Michelle Malkin may be Muslim.
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Who’s this?
I just realized all the titles of my recent postings were questions. No conscious decision on my part, it just happened. I thought I’d keep the trend going. In any event, wanted to welcome our latest posting member, this is me. Sitting on the side as a sounding board since we started, this is his/her first foray into the wild world of blogging. Hopefully (s)he’ll be posting regularly now.
Asma Hasan at Glamour
My friend Asma Hasan is blogging at Glamour Magazine about the presidential election. Do check her out, but as she says, she’s a Republican, and I am most assuredly not, so don’t be surprised if you read very different things over there. Enjoy!
Wit and Wisdom of Uncle Abe
From The Place of Dead Roads comes some choice sayings attributed to Abraham Lincoln.