
Welcome visitors from City of Brass. Aziz was kind enough to give me a shout moons ago and I’ve been negligent in acknowledging you. But Hazrat Issa, it’s been two weeks and I’m still getting huge numbers of pass through hits. A shout back to Aziz who has been a good virtual friend and has helped me with some of my own research. Can’t wait to find a way to meet him in person. His blog is one of the first Shi’ah blogs I found, and still one of the few I read regularly. I will eventually get around to updating the site and adding the “Brass Crescent” feed.

Also want to thank Irving of Darvish who has become a regular commentor on the site. To have someone of his caliber as a regular reader is a true honor.

As always, Rachel of Velveteen Rabbi who’s always around real world and virtual world.

Finally, I have joined Facebook under my real name, so feel free to hit me up there as well.

3 thoughts on “Friends

  1. I just signed up for facebook also. Please email me your real name, if you like, so I can include you in my friends.
    Ya Haqq!

  2. Hey there I find your blog really interesting and I’m coming to do some filming in the US for a project I’m working on and it would be really good to talk to you about it.

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