Inter-faith Politics

Interfaith Alliance – Free Speech – Press Release

The Interfaith Alliance For Immediate Release September 26, 2006 Contact: William Blake, (202) 639-6370, ext. 113 (w), (202) 680-8765 (c) House Vote Reduces First Amendment to Second Class Status The Interfaith Alliance Denounces Bill to Limit Religious Freedom (Washington, D.C.) Today the House of Representatives scheduled a vote on H.R. 2679, the “Public Expression of Religion Act.” The bill would eliminate damages and awards of attorneys’ fees for individuals or groups in successful cases brought to ensure their constitutional rights under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This bill would limit long-standing remedies available under…

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Inter-faith Intra-faith

Ramadan Mubarak and Shanah Tovah

May this season bring joy and happiness to all. It is an important holiday season for many religious traditions this month, not just the Children of Abraham. Please see Rachel’s post, and follow the Tent of Abraham link. Tonight begins Ramadan for me. For an understanding of why different Muslim communities recognize different days for the beginning of the month, see this post. Technorati Tags: inter-faith, intra-faith, Tishri, Ramadan

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Inter-faith Politics

All Saints

The on-going saga of All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California. Read it here and here. I was recently on a panel with Rev. George Regas, the gentleman who gave the sermon, on the separation between Church and State. Of course, the subtext was religious groups as activist groups. He is a wonderful, gentle soul. It’s a shame that he and his church have to go through this. You may read the text of the sermon here. Technorati Tags: Freedom of Speech, inter-faith, IRS

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She is, in fact, a woman

Dr. Ingrid Mattson is the new President of the Islamic Society of North America. Mashallah. May she be granted the wisdom and strength to move the community forward as is best. I had the pleasure to meet Dr. Mattson at a conference about a year ago, and I think she’ll bring a lovely perspective to the running of ISNA, one that I believe will better reflect the organization’s constituents, Muslims in North America. This Revealer post critiques the presentation in the New York Times of such a monumental decision. I would add, that to have a picture of man in…

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