PFBC – Thanks

Well, the first Progressive Faith Blog Con is over. Unfortunately I couldn’t make the last day, but the reports are good.

I want to thank the good organizers of the Con for making it a success. The group was a large enough size that it felt like we could do something real, but small enough to be intimate. It was diverse enough to avoid us sounding like an echo chamber, but respectful enough to always have something in common. I know in an event like this there are numerous people, named and nameless, faced and faceless, to make individual thanks difficult. Thank you all for making me feel like this was my conference.

I also want to give a shout out to a few of the people I spent lots of time with this weekend, and for specific help:

Rachel, The Velveteen Rabbi. She has been a true friend to islamicate in the virtual world, and now I’m happy to say a friend of this ‘yank in the real world.

Thurman, The Xpatriated Texan. Many days of dealing with my transportation woes are much appreciated. He also made it clear that being liberal and Christian are not an oxymoron, but forgot to mention he was a vet, and he helps continue to bust the stereotype that military=conservative. (I know enough people who’ve served to know not to buy the stereotype.)

David, of Blogging Faith. Magisterial master of making things happen. He was logistics giant at the Con, a good moderator, a great conversationalist, and a warm personality. He needs a raise.

Andrew, He remained open and curious, and forced me to think. He was also kind enough to give me a ride, which I unfortunately repaid by falling asleep on him in the car. Thankfully, he has not reproduced the incoherent part of the conversation.

Lorianne, Hoarded Ordinaries. Many a successful laptop plug-in and unplug. And a beautiful Buddhist meditation session.

Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Shalom Center. Many people take the idea of Abrahamic faiths, looks at commonalities, and ask why we can’t get along. The good Rabbi takes the idea of Abrahamic faiths, looks at the commonalities, and asks what does it mean to us. He always made thought-provoking comments, and was always willing to teach. May the children of Isaac and Ismail be blessed indeed.

Rabbi Jill Jacobs, JSpot. Unfortunately, I didn’t get as much time to talk to her as I would have liked. But she amazed me in every session I was in. An excellent moderator, an engaging thinker, and someone who takes inter-faith seriously and practically. Read some of her posts.

The Con was also an excellent reminder to me, that my concept of inter-faith in theory is one thing, and in practice another. I always found myself talking about the Abrahamic faiths, but there is so much more out there. The best events are always the ones where I learn.

May God be pleased with our work. May God accept our best intentions. May God ease our way in achieving the best of deeds in His way.

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3 thoughts on “PFBC – Thanks

  1. What an endless blessing this encounter is turning out to be. 🙂
    Thank you so much — for being there; for being truly present; for adding your voice and your insight to the conversation; for everything you taught me, and us.

  2. Yes, it was wonderful to meet you, and to practice with you. I’m not sure what I was expecting from the weekend, but I got more than I’d hoped for. The best events are always the ones where we learn *and* befriend insightful people.

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