Conferences Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

On Being a Conservative-Liberal Muslim (or why the progressive label is bad)

Several things began to come together in my thinking at the MLT Conference in Copenhagen. To be clear, it was not a result of the planning of the MLT, but a series of amorphous thoughts that started to click from meeting people at the conference. With the Progressive Faith Blog Con coming straight after, these ideas began gaining more clarity. Coincidentally, both the good folks at Progressive Islam (1, 2, 3) and Von Aurum published pieces that further moved my thoughts forward. I had been planning on this post for some time, but as the adage goes “Man proposes, God…

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Conferences Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

PFBC – Thanks

Well, the first Progressive Faith Blog Con is over. Unfortunately I couldn’t make the last day, but the reports are good. I want to thank the good organizers of the Con for making it a success. The group was a large enough size that it felt like we could do something real, but small enough to be intimate. It was diverse enough to avoid us sounding like an echo chamber, but respectful enough to always have something in common. I know in an event like this there are numerous people, named and nameless, faced and faceless, to make individual thanks…

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