Technorati Tags: Islam in the West, Islamic Architecture, AKPIA
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PFBC – Faith and Politics, A Path to Engagement
Thurman (Xpatriated Texan), Mik (JSpot), Bruce (Talk2Action) Thurman: we have a separation between church and state. not in constitution. [makes my favorite argument about the establishment clause and the free expression clause.] term comes from Thomas Jefferson. History of religion and the Founding Fathers of the US. Wedged between religious right and the secular left. Presidents used the idea of God frequently until JFK who had to renounce his religion. marks turning point in American Left. Really good historical introduction. Couldn’t capture it all, he had me enthralled. Mik: Referencing Obama speech. It was fantastic. Second look made him think…
PFBC – Muslim Worship
Introduction to adhān (call to prayer) and the Fatihah (The Opening; first surah/chapter of the Qur’an, used to begin prayers and activities). Zikr/dhikr explained. Remembrance of God. Phrases we used below: Bismillah ir-Raḥmān ir-Raḥīm – In the name of God the most Compassionate, the most Merciful lā illāh ilā allāh – there is not deity but God shukrun līllah wa al-ḥamdulīllāh – all thanks and praise are due to God yā raḥmān yā raḥīm – O Compassionate; O Merciful Walked through one cycle of prayer in English to demonstrate positions and structure. CDs used: Ocean of Remembrance (The CD is…
PFBC – Thanks
Well, the first Progressive Faith Blog Con is over. Unfortunately I couldn’t make the last day, but the reports are good. I want to thank the good organizers of the Con for making it a success. The group was a large enough size that it felt like we could do something real, but small enough to be intimate. It was diverse enough to avoid us sounding like an echo chamber, but respectful enough to always have something in common. I know in an event like this there are numerous people, named and nameless, faced and faceless, to make individual thanks…