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I’d Rather Go Back to Yemen than Face NYPD | Religion Dispatches
I’d Rather Go Back to Yemen than Face NYPD | Religion Dispatches. A coalition of civil rights organizations just released “Mapping Muslims: NYPD Spying and its Impact on American Muslims” which pulls together what we know of the NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities throughout the Northeast, places the surveillance in a legal context, and more importantly, interviews Muslims to understand the real world impact of the surveillance.
Arabic Language Skills, or lack thereof
I came across an interesting article on Slate. So, where should one go to learn Arabic in an environment with relatively little propaganda? And should one start classical and then go colloquial or vice versa?
The Axis of Evil Speaks to the Great Shaitan
The Boston Globe is running an editorial about the recent Khatami visit to Boston. They were there when he met with members of the MIT Faculty members. Some choice quotations: As the people around his table at the MIT Faculty Club laughed, Khatami added: “And Bush and Ahmadinejad are cut from the same cloth. …… Demonstrating his reputed interest in the Western Enlightenment, Khatami at one point cited the British philosopher John Locke, observing that Locke’s reason for separating religion from the state was to protect religion. He invoked Locke to make the point that many Iranians who favor more…
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Katrina Reminder
Katrina Reminder